[Math] Length of two sides in a quadrilateral with given angles


I'm stuck finding the length of two sides in a quadrilateral for which I know all angles and the length of two sides.

enter image description here

All red objects are know ($a,b,\alpha,\beta,\gamma $ and $\delta$). I need to find the length of $c$ and $d$. I know it can't be too difficult but I can't figure it out atm. Thanks for your help!

Best Answer

Here are the simple formulas giving $c$ and $d$ as functions of the known quantities:

$$\tag{1}\begin{cases}c=\tfrac{1}{sin(\gamma)}(a \sin(\delta)-b \sin(\alpha+\delta)) \ \ \ \ \ \ (i)\\ d=\tfrac{1}{sin(\gamma)}(b \sin(\beta) - a \sin(\alpha+\beta)) \ \ \ \ (ii)\end{cases}$$

Proof of formula (1(i)) (see figure below):

Let us give the names $A,B,C,D$ to the vertices associated with angles $\alpha, \beta, \gamma, \delta$ resp.

Let us denote by $H$ the orthogonal projection of $B$ onto $CD$, by $I$ the orthogonal projection of $A$ onto $BH$, and by $J$ the orthogonal projection of $A$ onto line $DC$. In particular $AJHI$ is a rectangle.

We are going to establish formula (1(i)) under the form:

$$\tag{2}\underbrace{c \sin(\gamma)}_{BH}=\underbrace{a \sin(\delta)}_{IH} \ \ \underbrace{-b \sin(\alpha+\delta)}_{BI}$$

As we have the identity $BH=BI+IH$, it remains to establish the three correspondences with line segments' length that are in (2).

  • $BH=c \sin(\gamma)$ is clear by definition of a sine.

  • $IH=AJ=a \sin(\delta),$

  • due to the fact that the sum of interior angles in quadrilateral $ADHB$ is $2\pi$, we have $\widehat{ABI}=\tfrac{3\pi}{2}-(\alpha +\beta)$; thus $BI=b \cos( \tfrac{3\pi}{2}-(\alpha +\delta)) \ = \ -b \ \sin(\alpha+\delta),$ ending the proof.

Formula (1(ii)) does not need a specific proof, because, due to the symmetry of the figure, it suffices to exchange angles $\delta$ and $\beta$, and lengthes $a$ and $b$.


1) the value of $\gamma$ can be obtained knowing $\alpha,\beta,\gamma$ by using relationship $\alpha+\beta+\gamma+\delta=2 \pi.$

2) $BH \perp JC$ could be interpretated as coordinates' axes.

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