[Math] Length of perpendicular vector


The points A and B have position vectors, relative to the origin $O$, given by $\overrightarrow {OA} = i + j+ k$ and $\overrightarrow {OB} = 2i + 3k$. The line $l$ has vector equation $r = 2i -2j -k + \mu(-i +2j +k)$.

$i)$ Show that the line passing through A and B does not intersect $l$.

$ii)$ Show that the length of the perpendicular from A to $l$ is $\frac {1}{\sqrt 2}$.

I did part $i$, how do I do part $ii$?

Best Answer

Let $C$ be the point on line $l$ which is the shortest distance from $A$. This is the perpendicular. $C$ has co-ordinates given by $2\vec i-2\vec j-\vec k+\mu_0(-\vec i+2\vec j+\vec k)=(2-\mu_0)\vec i+(2\mu_0-2)\vec j+(\mu_0-1)\vec k$ for some $\mu_0$ which we must determine.

To minimise the distance we minimise the distance between $C$ and $A$:$$\begin{align}|C-A|^2 = & (2-\mu_0-1)^2+(2\mu_0-2-1)^2+(\mu_0-1-1)^2 \\ & = {\mu_0}^2-2\mu_0+1+4{\mu_0}^2-12\mu_0+9+{\mu_0}^2-4\mu_0+4\\ & = 6{\mu_0}^2-18\mu_0+14\\ \end{align}$$ This is a quadratic. To minimise, we differentiate and set the derivative equal to zero, which gives: $$12\mu_0-18=0\implies\mu_0=3/2\\\implies |C-A|^2=6\cdot{\frac32}^2-18\cdot\frac32+14=\frac12\\\implies|C-A|=\frac{1}{\sqrt2}$$

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