[Math] Lemma, theorem, corollary… which one is a suitable term for an observation


I have an observation from say theorem of "the uniquness of interpolating polynomial". And I tried to prove that observation. However, I donot know whether anybody else has made that observation. And I want neither say it is completely observed by any matemathician (as I have not seen that) nore say it is completely done by myself. So I doubt about whether anybody has observed it.

Also I'm using it in computer security and I know nobody in the same field has made that observation.

Question: What shall I call my observation? lemma, theorem or corollary, etc …?

Best Answer

I agree with @user7530. I use “proposition” as a base level for all statements and use the other names to give it additional flavor – I use “theorem” if the proposition is relatively important – e.g. the main result of the paper or a particular section; “lemma” if the proposition is kind of technical and/or used just to prove another proposition; “observation” if the proof is direct or short or can even be omitted; “corollary” if the proposition is directly implied by previous proposition(s).

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