[Math] Lemma in deriving the winding number


I'm self-studying complex analysis, and in my book there are starred exercises on complex integration I'm interested in understanding.

Lemma 1 of the text states

If the piecewise differentiable closed curve $\gamma$ does not pass through the point $a$, then the value of the integral
is a multiple of $2\pi i$

in preparation for defining the winding number.

One exercise says, give an alternate proof of Lemma 1 by dividing $\gamma$ into a finite number of subarcs such that there exists a single-valued branch of $\text{arg}(z-a)$ on each subarc. Pay particular attention to the compactness argument needed to prove the existence of such a subdivision.

I thought about it a bit, and don't really know how to approach it. Is there a proof or possibly a sketch I could attempt to work through in the meantime? Thank you.

Best Answer

Yes, there is (thought your statement should say integer multiple, to be precise :) ). This is a proof due to D.J. Newman.

Let $\gamma$ be a sufficiently nice curve (of the kind you've described), and let $D$ be a domain, and let $\varphi(t)$ be a parameterisation of $\gamma$ for $0 \leq t \leq 1$. Consider the function $$F(t) = \frac{1}{\varphi(t)-a} \exp\left(\int_0^t \frac{\varphi'(\tau)}{\varphi(t)-a} d\tau\right).$$

  1. Determine $F'(t)$.
  2. Note that $\gamma$ is closed, so $\varphi(0) = \varphi(1)$.
  3. What can you say about $F(0)$ and $F(1)$, given 2.?
  4. What can you conclude about $\exp(\int)$?

Deduce the result.

If you need any help, let me know! Which textbook are you using, by the way?

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