[Math] left inverse == right inverse with Moore–Penrose pseudoinverse

linear algebrapseudoinverse

1) No matter how the pseudoinverse is constructed, it is always the same? No matter if i use QR or SVD

2) Is the left inverse and the right inverse the same in Moore-Penrose pseudoinverses?

Best Answer

  1. As M.-P. pseudoinverse is defined, it is unique for real/complex matrices, i.e. does not depend on the way you calculate it.
  2. If a matrix is not square, it may be invertible at most from one side, i. e. a left and a right inverses cannot exist for a non-square matrix simultaneously. If the matrix is square and has a left and a right inverse, then they are equal $$ A^{-L}=A^{-L}(AA^{-R})=(A^{-L}A)A^{-R}=A^{-R}. $$ Moreover, the one side invertible square matrix must be necessarily invertible. For example, for left invertible we have $$ n=\text{rank}\, I=\text{rank}\,A^{-L}A\le\text{rank}\, A\le n\quad\Rightarrow\quad\text{rank}\,A=n $$ and the left inverse, the right inverse, the M.-P. pseudoinverse and the normal inverse are the same.
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