[Math] Lebesgue measurable set whose intersection has positive measure


$(a)$ Let $E\subset [0,1]$ be Lebesgue measurable. Suppose there exists a fixed $\epsilon > 0$ such that $m(E\cap (a,b))\geq \epsilon|a-b|$ for any interval $(a,b)\subset [0,1]$. Show that $m(E) = 1$

$(b)$ Give an example of a Lebesgue measurable set $E\subset [0,1]$ with $0<m(E)<1$ and $m(E\cap(a,b))>0$ for all nontrivial intervals $(a,b)\subset [0,1]$. Explain why this example does not contradict part $(a)$

My thoughts:

(a) if $m(E)<1$, then $\exists U$ open s.t. $U$ is the countable union of intervals, $E\subset U$, and $m(U)\leq (1-m(E))/2$. Then $U^c$ will be disjoint with $E$ and will contain some interval whose intersection with $E$ will have positive measure.

(b) I'm at a lost on how to construct $E$.

Best Answer

Check page $74$ of Fremlin’s “Measure Theory - Volume $1$”, part $(b)$ of $134J$ (“more examples”). Here’s a link to the pdf.