Learning Complex Geometry – Textbook Recommendations


I wish to learn Complex Geometry and am aware of the following books : Huybretchs, Voisin, Griffths-Harris, R O Wells, Demailly. But I am not sure which one or two to choose. I am interested in learning complex analytic & complex algberaic geometry both.

Could somebody please advise me which of these books deal with the same or similar aspects of the subject ? If I am not mistaken, Huybretchs and Voisin deal with similar aspects ? and Huybretchs would be relatively elementary or may be a preparation for Voisin ?

I would like to select two books (preferably from above-listed ones, though other suggestions are welcome) such that the intersection between their contents is minimal and the union maximal.

Any comments about the above-mentioned books will be very helpful.

Best Answer

Well, you'll really want to read them all at some point. To start with, take Griffiths-Harris for geometric insight and Huybrecths for company (his chapter 1.2 is amazing). Voisin is very good and at first covers the same ground as Huybrecths, but is more advanced (do read the introduction to Voisin's book early, it sets the scene quite well). Demailly's book is where all the details are, you'll want that one for proofs of the main theorems like Hodge decomposition, Kodaira vanishing etc. There's also a new book by Arapura that looks very user-friendly.

And now for some clearly false generalities: The books by Huybrechts, Voisin and Arapura have very algebraic points of view; they were written by people who are mainly algebraic geometers and (to simplify greatly) think in Spec of rings. By contrast, Demailly and Griffiths-Harris have more differential-geometric points of view and use metrics and positivity of curvature as their main tools. I'll take the opportunity to also recommend Zheng's wonderful "Complex differential geometry" for an alternative introduction to that point of view. You'll need to know how to use all of these tools (as do all those people, of course).

So, to sum things up: $$ \begin{array}{ccc} & \hbox{introduction} & \hbox{advanced} \\ \hbox{algebraic} & \hbox{Arapura, Huybrechts} & \hbox{Voisin}\\ \hbox{metric} & \hbox{Griffiths-Harris, Zheng} & \hbox{Demailly} \\ \end{array} $$