[Math] learn math from basics the Indian way and am looking for a book to guide me and some workbooks to practice. Any recommendations


I was taught math in a very stoic method during my childhood and as a result became math-phobia. Now as an adult, I wish to relearn math as a long term hobby and a cure for my phobia.
I found that in India, they value the process of solving problems above memorisation and children learn to link numerical knowledge together (find relationships) building a strong foundation for mathematics while having lots of fun. I too wish to build a strong foundation for mathematical basics (addition, subtraction, multiplication and division) this way, but could not find specific details on how to proceed.
I wish to find a book that guides me through basic math from the ground up (as a Indian teacher would do for their students), and have something I can practice with; workbook.
the details I found are: they do 2 digit number addition and subtraction, memorise multiplication table up to 20×20, think in terms of 12 (versus 10), and do 3 digit multiplications. I found this much, but the information did not include in which order kids learned what, or the methods (practice questions) used.
I feel the details (process of learning, questions, language, method) are very important and hope someone can guide me as to how children come to learn and appreciate numbers in India or any other related source.
I would especially like to know the specifics (order, method, questions, sources used) but would appreciate any other guidance as to how I can begin enjoying math (especially concerning the Indian method).

Best Answer

This is the second and perhaps an unnecessary answer to your question.

  1. There is no speciality about the "Indian" way of learning/doing math. In fact, I doubt, if any such way exists at all.

  2. We don't incorporate mathematical problems into our daily lives. It's hard to do that if you're not a math person or a scientist or a mathematician. The life of an average Indian is really bland, and not the cinematic one you're expecting.

  3. We learn by rote more than perhaps any other person of a differing nationality. Our education system is horrid. In fact, I insist that most of us have learnt more problems than understood them. Yes, after a certain point in learning stuff, it sometimes happens that you get an insight of the mechanism, the logic et cetera. But that's more of your luck and, if I may say, merit, than the system of education or anything else.

  4. We don't memorise multiplication tables upto 20...? And we don't think in terms of 12...? I mean why would anyone want to do any of those...? I never did, that's for sure.

  5. We don't have a thing for numbers...

As an Indian myself, it perhaps would have felt more pleasant to live with the praise you'd showered upon us as a whole. But I couldn't help questioning it. Our degrading system of education and our pitiful state of cultural and/or academic literacy (in general) compels me to question what doesn't belong to us. We really don't deserve your perception of India at present. Someday we will, and perhaps this question will stand witness to it.


Not everyone is made to be a Ramanujan. Math to everyone isn't just numbers. Also, math isn't necessarily arithmetic. If you want to develop an interest in mathematics first, why not go for the interesting stuff? Learning math academically helps only on an academic ground.

You can read plenty of e-books on number theory, discrete math, abstract algebra and so much other fun stuff. That too, free of cost, if you search enough. There's plenty of fun math videos on YouTube; and dedicated fun math channels include ViHart, Numberphile, 3Blue1Brown, etc. etc. You can also find quality math content scattered across Vsauce. Oh and did I mention Khan Academy? And yeah, do watch videos on topology and graph theory. Really complicated but really satisfying, even if you understand a mere 10% of it like I do :)

Moral of the story -

Indians aren't special. And that's a stereotype you'd really want to discard. If you want to learn math, go the American way. Go the world's way. They do understand some mathematics. And that's the reason why they are one of the leaders in mathematical research worldwide.

P.S. - I did my best to not derogate or sponsor any nation whatsoever. Please, (some of) my fellow (hardheaded) countrymen, don't call me an anti-nationalist. That's become a stale remark by now.