[Math] Layman’s proof that the area of a circle of radius $r$ equals $\pi r^2$.


There are many, many clear and simple proofs of basic but nontrivial facts in high-school mathematics, such as Pythagoras' theorem or the identities
$$\sum_{k=1}^nk=\binom{n}{2}\qquad\text{ and }\qquad\sum_{k=1}^n(2k-1)=n^2,$$
that are accessible to the lay person, having no mathematical knowledge beyond perhaps the most basic high-school curriculum, or perhaps even elementary school.
See the answers to this question for many such proofs. I'm surprised I can't find such a proof for the fact that the area of a circle of radius $r$ equals $\pi r^2$ that is thoroughly convincing. Let me explain what I find unconvcing about two popular visual proofs.

Parallellogram proof

The proof I see most often is the parallellogram proof, cutting the circle radially into ever smaller wedges and joining them together to approximate a parallellogram:

enter image description here

It leaves the question of convergence open; do these approximations of parallellograms converge to a rectangle with side lengths $r$ and $\pi r$ as we take ever smaller wedges? It turns out that they do and the argument can be made rigorous, but to the critical lay person this need not be clear from the picture.

Triangle proof

Another proof I have seen quite often is the triangle proof, cutting the circle into ever thinner concentric rings and unwrapping them to approximate a right triangle:

enter image description here

Again this leaves the question of convergence; do these approximations of right triangles converge to a right triangle of height $r$ and base $2\pi r$? Again it turns out that they do and the argument can be made rigorous, but again to the critical lay person this need not be clear from the picture.

Other proofs either require techniques beyond the most basic high-school curriculum, such as calculus for the onion proof, or are computationally involved such as Archimedes' proof or variations thereof.

I do assume that the layman is familiar with the fact that the circumference of a circle of radius $r$ equals $2\pi r$.


Given that the circumference of a circle of radius $r$ equals $2\pi r$, is there a simple proof of the fact that its area equals $\pi r^2$, using nothing but the most elementary mathematical techniques (certainly no calculus)?

Best Answer

This is a calculus-based proof, but it is very elementary. As a reference, see Keith Ball - An Elementary Introduction to Modern Convex Geometry.

For any $r>0$, let $L(r)$ be the length of a circle with radius $r$ and let $A(r)$ be the enclosed area.
By convexity (which also ensures that $A$ and $L$ are well-defined) $$ L(r)=\lim_{\varepsilon\to 0^+}\frac{A(r+\varepsilon)-A(r)}{\varepsilon}.\tag{$\delta$}$$ Since concentric circles with any radius are homothetic, $A(r) = r^2 A(1)$ and $L(r)=r L(1)$.
On the other hand $(\delta)$ gives $L(r)=\frac{d}{dr}A(r)$, hence $L(1)=\color{red}{2}\,A(1)$.

So we may equivalently define $\pi$ as $A(1)$ or as $\frac{1}{2}L(1)$.
And we have that in $\mathbb{R}^n$ the surface area of the Euclidean unit ball is just $n$ times its volume.

$(\delta)$ also follows from this pictorial argument, where the outer "polygon" is obtained by summing (in the set-sense) a small disk to the inner polygon:

enter image description here

It is visually clear what happens if we let the number of sides go to $+\infty$ while preserving the circum-radii of the inner and outer polygon.