[Math] Laurent-series expansion of $1/(e^z-1)$

calculuscomplex-analysislaurent series

Find the Laurent series for the given function about the indicated point. Also, give the residue of the function at the point.
z\mapsto\frac{1}{e^z – 1}
The point is $z_0=0$ (four terms of laurent series).

I have wrote $e^z -1$ as $z+z^2/2!+z^3/3!$….

Now i don't know how to proceed with this further.

Please answer in detail I am very weak with this.

Thank you.

Best Answer

The other answer has its benefits, but if you want to check your answer or simply bash out the "important" coefficients and ignore all that insignicantly small stuff, then here goes. Just note that we need to be careful about convergence.

We have that $\frac{1}{e^z-1} = \frac{1}{z(1+(z/2!+z^2/3!+...))}$ where we let $(z/2!+z^2/3!+...) = P(z)$. Then:

$$\frac{1}{e^z-1} = 1/z - P(z)/z + P(z)^2/z - P(z)^3/z + ... \\ = 1/z - 1/2 - z/3! + z/(2!)^2 - z^2/4! + 2z^2/(2!\cdot 3!) - z^2/(2!)^3 + O(z^3) \\ = 1/z - 1/2 + z/12 + z^2\cdot (1/6-1/24-1/8) + O(z^3) \\ = 1/z - 1/2 + z/12 + O(z^3).$$

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