[Math] Latitude and longitude of points on a line

spherical coordinatesspherical-geometry

How could you get the latitude and longitude of four points (equal distance apart) on a line from $(27,-82)$ to $(28,-81)$? The four points should split the line into 5 parts.

enter image description here

Best Answer

Given the latitudes of two points, $\beta_1$ and $\beta_2$, and their difference in longitude, $\Delta\lambda=\lambda_2-\lambda_1$, compute $\delta\in[0,\pi]$ with $$ \cos(\delta)=\sin(\beta_1)\sin(\beta_2)+\cos(\beta_1)\cos(\beta_2)\cos(\Delta\lambda)\tag{1} $$ Then compute $\alpha$ using $$ \tan(\alpha/2)=\frac{\sin(\Delta\lambda)\cos(\beta_1)\cos(\beta_2)}{\sin{\beta_2}-\sin(\delta-\beta_1)}\tag{2} $$

spherical triangles, honest

After computing $\delta$ and $\alpha$, compute $\beta'\in[-\frac{\pi}{2},\frac{\pi}{2}]$ with $$ \sin(\beta')=\sin(\beta_1)\cos(k\delta/5)+\cos(\beta_1)\sin(k\delta/5)\cos(\alpha)\tag{3} $$ Then compute $\Delta\lambda'=\lambda'-\lambda_1$ using $$ \tan(\Delta\lambda'/2)=\frac{\sin(k\delta/5)\sin(\alpha)\cos(\beta_1)}{\cos(k\delta/5)+\cos(\beta_1+\beta')}\tag{4} $$ Where $k$ in $(3)$ and $(4)$ ranges in $\{1,2,3,4\}$.