[Math] Largest number of consecutive positive integers whose sum is exactly $2014$.

arithmetic-progressionscontest-mathnumber theory

$97+98+ ………..+114+115 = 2014$. Here sum of $19$ consecutive numbers is $2014$. Find the largest number of consecutive positive integers whose sum is exactly 2014 and justify why you think this must be the largest number.

As far I did,
$\dfrac{n}{2}( 2a + n-1 ) = 2014$
$\implies 2an + n^2-n=4028$
Now we have to find the largest value of $n$.

Note This is a problem from BdMO 2014 National.

Best Answer

Let the first number in the sequence of positive integers be $m+1$ and the last number be $n$.


$$\dfrac{n(n+1)}{2}-\dfrac{m(m+1)}{2}=2014$$ $$n^2+n-m^2-m=4028$$ $$(n-m)(n+m)+(n-m)=4028$$ $$(n-m)(n+m+1)=4028$$

As $n$ and $m$ are positive integers, we have $n+m+1$ greater than $n-m$.



For the sequence to have maximum number of terms, we need $n-m$ to be a factor that is the highest possible while the other factor, $n+m+1$, is still greater than it. Moreover, for $n$ and $m$ to be integers, $n-m$ and $n+m+1$ must have opposite parity.

Thus $$n-m=53$$and $$n+m+1=76$$ On solving, $$n=64, m=11$$ Thus $$2014=12+13+\ldots+64$$ which is a sequence of $53$ terms.

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