[Math] Largest eigenvalue, semidefinite programming

eigenvalues-eigenvectorslinear algebraoptimization

The problem is to minimize the largest eigenvalue of a function of $x$.

$$ \min\{\lambda_{\max}(A(x))\}$$
$$A(x) = A_0+x_1A_1+x_2A_2+…x_nA_n$$ and all $A$ is positive semidefinite.

This problem can be solved by equivalent SDP:
$$\text{minimize} \ \ t \\ \text{subject to} \ \ \ A(x)\leq tI$$
$$\lambda_{\max}(A(x)) \leq t \ \ \\ \text{iff} \ \ \ A(x)-tI \leq0$$
My question is why is that?

I can't find special property of eigenvalue for positive semidefinite matrix where the above inequality holds

Can someone give me a brief proof? or point out where I can find the proof.

Best Answer

I don't understand most of your question, but the reason that $\lambda_\max(A(x))\le t$ is equivalent to $A(x)-tI\le 0$ is clear, because $\lambda$ is an eigenvalue of $A(x)$ if and only if $\lambda-t$ is an eigenvalue of $A(x)-tI$. (More specifically, this is because $Ax=\lambda x$ iff $(A(x)-tI)v=(\lambda -t)v$, where $v$ denotes an eigenvector.) Therefore, $\lambda_\max(A(x))\le t$ if and only if all eigenvalues of $A(x)-tI$ are nonpositive, i.e. if and only if $A(x)-tI\le0$.