[Math] Laplace Transform of Squared Function

laplace transformordinary differential equations

I have the following differential equation that I am trying to solve:
$$g(u,v,t) = a + bg(u,v,t) – c\frac{dg(u,v,t)}{dt} – k\times g(u,v,t)\frac{\partial(g(u,v,t))}{\partial t},$$
where $a,b,c,k$ are constants, and the variables $u$ and $v$ are independent of $t$.

I replaced $g(u,v,t)\frac{\partial(g(u,v,t))}{\partial t}$ with $\frac{1}{2}\frac{d(g(u,v,t))^2}{dt}$ in the last term on the RHS.

My initial idea was to compute the Laplace transform on both sides:
$$G(u,v,s) = \frac{a}{s} + bG(u,v,s) – csG(u,v,s) – k/2\times s\mathcal{L}(g^2(u,v,t)), $$
where $s$ is the Laplace transform variable and $G(s)$ is the Laplace transform of $g(u,v,t)$.
But now I cannot solve for G because of the $\mathcal{L}(g^2)$ term.
I am stuck now and will appreciate any ideas to proceed further.

Best Answer

This equation can be rewritten in the form $$ \frac{dg}{dt}=\frac{(b-1)g+a}{kg+c}. $$ This is a first order differential equation that can be solved by quadratures. Can you go on from here?