[Math] Lagrange multipliers and critical points

lagrange multiplier

I have (probably) a fundamental problem understanding something related critical points and Lagrange multipliers.

As we know, if a function assumes an extreme value in an interior point of some open set, then the gradient of the function is 0.

Now, when dealing with constraint optimization using Lagrange multipliers, we also find an extreme value of the function restricted to some curve.

So why in the case of constraint optimization can't we also search for points where the gradient is 0? What am I missing here?

Thank you.

Best Answer

Because the gradient along the constraint can be zero even though the gradient itself isn't. For instance, in $\Bbb R^3$, take the function $f(x,y,z)=z$, and constrain it to the unit sphere. The gradient of $f$ is non-zero everywhere.

However, imagine you lived on the sphere and had no idea that is part of a bigger space. In other words, like we do on earth if we forget that we can fly up or dig down. Then we would think that the gradient of the function $f$ was zero on the north and south poles, simply because in any direction we can conceive, $f$ if stationary at those two points. Those are the kind of points Lagrange multipliers let us find.

If course, if the true gradient happens to be zero on the constraint, then of course it's also zero along the constraint. However, that's only a small special case among all cases where the gradient along the surface is zero, and using the method of Lagrange multipliers we pick up those automatically along with all the others.

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