[Math] Korean Math Olympiad 1993 (geometry)


Consider a $\triangle ABC$ with $BC = a$, $CA = b$, $AB = c$. Let $D$ be the midpoint of $BC$ and $E$ be the intersection of the bisector of $A$ with $BC$. The circle through $A$, $D$, $E$ meets $AC$, $AB$ again at $F$, $G$ respectively. Let $H \neq B$ be a point on $AB$ with $BG = GH$. Prove that $\triangle EBH $ and $\triangle ABC$ are similar and find the ratio of their areas.

As far as I can go, $\triangle{BAE}\sim\triangle{BDG}\sim\triangle{BCH}$, $\triangle{CEF}\sim\triangle{CAD}$…

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Best Answer

$BG\cdot BA=BD\cdot BE$ $~\Longrightarrow$ $~2BG\cdot BA=2BD\cdot BE$ $~\Longrightarrow$ $~BH\cdot BA=BC\cdot BE$
thus, $\square AHEC$ is cyclic and $\triangle EBH\sim\triangle ABC$
the similarity ratio is $\dfrac{BE}{BA}=\dfrac{\left(\dfrac{ac}{b+c}\right)}{c}=\dfrac{a}{b+c}$ and then area ratio is $\dfrac{a^{2}}{(b+c)^{2}}$

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