[Math] Klein 4 group ismorphic to D4


Klein 4-group is a symmetry group of rectangle (or rombus).
And as far as I understand it is not isomorphic to Dihedral group of order 4.
Because Dihedral group of order 4 is a group of rotations of square.

If this is true then why Wiki says that they are isomorphic:

The Klein four-group is the smallest non-cyclic group. It is however an >abelian group, and isomorphic to the dihedral group of order (cardinality) 4

What am I missing here?

Best Answer

You are confusing 'the dihedral group with 4 elements' with 'the dihedral group that is the symmetry group of the square'. The dihedral group with 4 elements is the set of symmetries of a bigon (i.e. a 'polygon' with 2 vertices, which can be thought of as two curved lines joined together) or of a rectangle (thanks to Akiva Weinberger).

The dihedral group that is the symmetry group of a square is of order 8 and usually is denoted $D_4$.