[Math] Kaprekar’s constant is 6174: Proof without calculation

elementary-number-theorynumber theorypuzzlerecreational-mathematics

How to prove that by performing Kaprekar's routine on any 4-digit number
repeatedly, and eventually we will get the 4-digit constant $6174$ rather than get stuck in a loop, without really calculating anything?

I've seen a 11-page paper that did this job, and with a little modification it's capable to prove that we can get $6174$ within 7 steps, and that such constant doesn't exist for numbers with 2, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, and 15 digits.
(In that paper the author proposed to divide the 4-digit numbers into some 70 groups, and Kaprekar's routine always goes from a group to another so we can redraw the state-transition diagram with only 70 vertices. And the new diagram has a longest path of 7. The paper is in Chinese so I won't post it here.)
Is there a simpler proof?

Best Answer

Suppose that our digits are $a \ge b \ge c \ge d$: then Kaprekar's routine generates $999(a-d) + 90(b-c)$ as the next step. Since the inequalities tell us that $b-c \le a-d$ we can easily demonstrate that there are at most 55 equivalence classes, being the 10th triangle number. That's a moderate improvement over 70.

A bit of calculation gives the graph:

Graph of Kaprekar transitions for 4-digit numbers