[Math] Kaplansky’s theorem of infinitely many right inverses in monoids


There's a theorem of Kaplansky that states that if an element $u$ of a ring has more than one right inverse, then it in fact has infinitely many. I could prove this by assuming $v$ is a right inverse, and then showing that the elements $v+(1-vu)u^n$ are right inverses for all $n$ and distinct.

To see they're distinct, I suppose $v+(1-vu)u^n=v+(1-vu)u^m$ for distinct $n$ and $m$. I suppose $n>m$. Since $u$ is cancellable on the right, this implies $(1-vu)u^{n-m}=1-vu$. Then $(1-vu)u^{n-m-1}u+vu=((1-vu)u^{n-m-1}+v)u=1$, so $u$ has a left inverse, but then $u$ would be a unit, and hence have only one right inverse.

Does the same theorem hold in monoids, or is there some counterexample?

Best Answer

Let $S$ be the semigroup of functions from $\mathbb N=\{z\in \mathbb Z|z\geq 0\}$ to itself, with the composition written traditionally: $(f\circ g)(x)=f(g(x)).$

Let $f\in S$, $f(0)=f(1)=0$ and for $n\geq 2,\,f(n)=n-1.$ Suppose $f\circ g=\operatorname{id}$. Then for $n\geq 1$, we must have $g(n)=n+1$. However, $g(0)$ can be chosen to be either $0$ or $1$ and the equality holds.

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