[Math] Justifying an Assumption Made While Deriving the Method of Variation of Parameters

ordinary differential equations

I never fully understood the derivation of the method of variation of parameters. Consider the simple case $$y'' + p(x)y' + q(x)y = f(x)\,.$$

The homogeneous solution is $y_h=c_1y_1+c_2y_2$ and the particular solution that we guess is $y_p =u_1y_1+u_2y_2$ for some function $u_1(t)$ and $u_2(t)$. Next we take derivatives of the particular solution and substitute those back into the original ODE.

The part done next is the part I don't quite see the justification for.
We assume that our functions $u_1$ and $u_2$ will satisfy the constraint $$u_1'y_1 + u_2'y_2=0\,,$$

and this particular constraint will yield a cleaner result when looking at $y'_p$: $$u_1'y_1'+u_2'y_2'=f(x)\,.$$

At least in the textbook I'm looking at, the justification for assuming that $u_1$ and $u_2$ satisfy $u_1'y_1 + u_2'y_2=0$ is simply omitted. How do we know that the solutions we're after satisfy that constraint? All other sources I look at just say something like, "okay we are going to impose this constraint. Now moving on …"

Could someone give me a proper explanation as to why we can make this assumption?

Best Answer

I quote here an answer I gave to a similar question. The notation is that used here.

This is closely tied to the method of osculating parameters. Suppose we wish to represent, with constant coefficients, some arbitrary function $u(x)$ with two linearly independent functions $u_1(x)$ and $u_2(x)$, $$u(x) = A u_1(x) + B u_2(x).$$ In general this can not be done. The best we can do is match the value of the function and its derivative at some point $x_0$, $$\begin{eqnarray*} u(x_0) &=& A u_1(x_0) + B u_2(x_0) \\ u'(x_0) &=& A u_1'(x_0) + B u_2'(x_0). \end{eqnarray*}$$ The conditions above determine the osculating parameters, the constants $A$ and $B$. $A$ and $B$ will be different depending on the point $x_0$. In general this fit will be poor at points far from $x_0$.

The method of variation of parameters involves finding the osculating parameters $A$ and $B$ at every point. That is, we let $A$ and $B$ be functions of $x$. The condition that they are the osculating parameters is that they satisfy $$\begin{eqnarray*} u_G(x) &=& A(x) u_1(x) + B(x) u_2(x) \\ u_G'(x) &=& A(x) u_1'(x) + B(x) u_2'(x), \end{eqnarray*}$$ just as above. For the second equation to hold it must be the case that $$A'(x)u_1(x) + B'(x)u_2(x) = 0.$$

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