Puzzle and Operations Research – Jeep Problem Variant: Cross the Desert with Maximum Fuel

operations researchpuzzle

I'm dealing with the following variant of the well-known Jeep problem:

A 1000 mile wide desert needs to be crossed in a Jeep. The mileage is one mile / gallon and the Jeep can transport up to 1000 gallons of gas at any time. Fuel may be dropped off at any location in the desert and picked up later. There are 3000 gallons of gas in the base camp. How much fuel can the Jeep transport to the camp on the other side of desert?

So instead of "exploring" the desert or trying to drive as far as possible, the problem here is to transport as much fuel as possible for a given distance.

I've thought about reducing this problem to the well-studied ones, but I can't come up with anything that makes sense. I don't even know how to approach this.

Any pointers?

Best Answer

Let's represent your starting location as $0$ and the destination as $1000$.

Let $f(x)$ be the greatest amount of fuel that can possibly be transported to or past $x$ miles from the starting point. For example, if you pick up $1000$ gallons, drive to $1$ (one mile), drop off $998$ gallons, drive back, repeat the trip to $1$ and back, and on the third trip out you drive to $100$ where you drop $801$ gallons of fuel, then you will have transported $2995$ gallons to point $1$: the $1996$ gallons you cached there and the $999$ gallons that were in the jeep when you passed $1$ on the third trip from $0$.

You should be able to show that for $0 \leq x \leq 200$, $f(x) = 3000 - 5x$. The intuitive reason is that you will either have to pass every point between $0$ and $200$ five times (three times outbound and twice in the return direction) have to abandon some fuel without using it; and the latter strategy will deliver less fuel to points beyond where you abandoned the fuel.

The previous example that transported $2995$ gallons to or past point $1$ was therefore optimal, or at least was optimal up to $1$.

It follows that only $2000$ gallons can reach $200$ no matter where you leave your caches along the way.

You should then be able to show that for $0 \leq y \leq \frac{1000}{3}$, $f(200 + y) = 2000 - 3y$. Moreover, you achieve this by delivering exactly $2000$ gallons of fuel to $200$, including the fuel in the jeep the last time you arrive at $200$ in the forward direction, then making sure you have $1000$ gallons in the jeep each time you drive forward from $200$.

Finally, for $0 \leq z \leq 1000$, $f\left(200 + \frac{1000}{3} + z\right) = 1000 - z$. You achieve this by delivering exactly $1000$ gallons of fuel to $200 + \frac{1000}{3}$ and then fully loading the jeep with any fuel you have cached at that point and making just one trip forward.

The answer is $f(1000)$.

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