[Math] James R. Munkres’ TOPOLOGY, 2nd edition: How to check the work


I'm trying to learn, or revise, some topology from James R. Munkres' TOPOLOGY, 2nd edition. I'm working alone; that is, I'm self-learning. It is quite fun. But the problem is how do I check if I've managed to arrive at a correct solution to an exercise problem? Can I get hold of a solution manual? Or, can I find someone over the Internet with whom I can discuss my solutions? Of course, putting up every other problem at Mathematics Stack Exchange, it seems to me, is not so practical!

What would be the best possible for me?

Best Answer

If you already got a solution/proof, I would just go check it another time, and another time. Imagine you are explaining your proof to someone really skeptical. And try to convince this most skeptical part of yourself.

I don't think you need someone else, except if you are really stuck on some exercise, and don't know how to proceed. In that case, you can use this site.