[Math] Issue with Proof by Contradiction

discrete mathematics

So we were asked to solve a question in class about proof by contradiction…

Q) Suppose integers $1,2,3,\dots,10$ are placed randomly in a circular wheel. Show that the sum of any three consecutive integers is at least $15$.

Logical Answer: NO, because $1+2+3 = 6 < 15$.

Textbook Answer: PROVED. How?….

Let $A_r$ be the number positioned in the wheel at $r$-th position.
Equation Set 1:

&A_1+A_2+A_3 \ge 15\\
&A_2+A_3+A_4 \ge 15\\
&A_3+A_4+A_5 \ge 15\\
&A_{10}+A_1+A_2 \ge 15

So, continuing proof by contradiction, lets assume Equation Set 1 is NOT true. Which implies–

Equation Set 2-

&A_1+A_2+A_3 < 15\\
&A_2+A_3+A_4 < 15\\
&A_3+A_4+A_5 < 15\\
&A_{10}+A_1+A_2 < 15

Now, adding all equations in Equation Set 2 we get

$$3(A_1+\cdots+A_{10}) < 15\cdot10$$

$$\frac{3n(n+1)}2 < 150\;,$$ where $n=10$ (cuz sum of $n$ integers is $n(n+1)/2$)

$$3\cdot55 < 150$$

$$165 < 150$$

Which is FALSE and is a contradiction to what we assumed (Equation set 2).
Therefore our assumption is wrong and Equation Set 1 holds TRUE.

Which means sum of $3$ nos should be at least $15$. BUT logically thinking, a simple example of $1+2+3$ does not satisfy. What is the problem? Please Help!

Best Answer

If it is NOT TRUE that all members of a set of numbers are $\ge15$, that's equivalent to saying at least one of them is less than $15$, not that all of them are less than $15$.

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