[Math] Isosceles trapezoid with semicircle


I have an isosceles trapezoid, with a semicircle in the middle. I need to know the difference in area of the two shapes. Radius of the semicircle is $6$cm, and the longest base is $14$cm.

Best Answer

Assuming that the base of the circle lies along the longest base, here is a way to find the length of the shorter base (which along with the length of the longer base, 14, and the height of the trapezoid, 6, readily yields its area):

Label the vertices of the trapezoid ABCD, with AD being the longer base of length 14. Let the smaller of the bases have length $x$, and let the center of the circle be at $O$.

Area of trapezoid= $$\frac{6}{2}(x+14)=3x+42$$ by the area of a trapezoid formula. We can calculate this in a different manner by doing area=


Therefore, $$3x+42=6AB+3x\Leftrightarrow AB=7$$

Drop the perpendicular Q from B to AD and applying Pythagorean Theorem, we get $$AB^2=AQ^2+BQ^2 \Leftrightarrow 49=AQ^2+36 \Leftrightarrow AQ=\sqrt{13}$$

By symmetry, $$AD=2AQ+BC$$, which gives $$BC=14-2\sqrt{13}$$

