[Math] Isomorphic Lie algebras


If I have two abelian Lie Algebra $L_{1} $ and $L_2$, then they are isomorphic if and only if they have the same dimension. I would a example
of two Lie algebras(not abelian) that have the same dimension but they are not isomorphic.

Best Answer

If you are happy with one of them being abelian, take an abelian one, and a non-abelian one.

For instance, in dimension $2$, take $L_{1}$ to have a basis $a, b$, and $[a, b] = b$.

If you want both of them to be non-abelian, go to dimension $3$, and take $L_{1}$ to have a basis $a, b, c$ with $$ [a, b] = b, [a, c] = [b, c] = 0 $$ and $L_{2}$ to have a basis $a, b, c$ with $$ [a, b] = c, [a, c] = [b, c] = 0. $$ The two algebras are not isomorphic, because in the second one every commutator $[[x, y], z]$ is zero, which is not the case with the first one.

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