Elementary Number Theory – Is Zero Odd or Even?

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Some books say that even numbers start from $2$ but if you consider the number line concept, I think zero($0$) should be even because it is in between $-1$ and $+1$ (i.e in between two odd numbers). What is the real answer?

Best Answer

For that, we can try all the axioms formulated for even numbers. I'll use only four in this case.

Note: In this question, for the sake of my laziness, I will often use $N_e$ for even, and $N_o$ for odd.

Test 1:

An even number is always divisible by $2$.

We know that if $x,y\in \mathbb{Z}$ and $\dfrac{x}{y} \in \mathbb{Z},$ then $y$ is a divisor of $x$ (formally $y|x$).

Yes, both $0,2 \in \mathbb{Z}$ and yes, $\dfrac{0}{2}$ is $0$ which is an integer. Passed this one with flying colors!

Test 2:

$N_e + N_e$ results in $N_e$

Let's try an even number here, say $2$. If the answer results in an even number, then $0$ will pass this test. $\ \ \ \ \underbrace{2}_{\large{N_e}} + 0 = \underbrace{2}_{N_e} \ \ \ $, so zero has passed this one!

Test 3:

$N_e + N_o$ results in $N_o$

$0 + \underbrace{1}_{N_o} = \underbrace{1}_{N_o}$

Passed this test too!

Test 4:

If $n$ is an integer of parity $P$, then $n - 2$ will also be an integer of parity $P$.

We know that $2$ is even, so $2 - 2$ or $0$ is also even.