[Math] Is this vector field conservative? My team thinks it is conservative, I don’t

line-integralsvector analysis

Question that we have a disagreement about
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The graph
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My teammates say that the vector field is conservative. But I do not think so, reason being is because if you draw a closed curve on the vector field and add up all the line integrals I believe you get a value greater than zero. For a vector field to be conservative the line integral must equal zero.

So am I correct to say the vector field is not conservative. and So on the question part c it would be none of the above.

Best Answer

You are correct. To see that the vector field is not conservative, it will suffice to demonstrate a loop which has a non-zero line integral. You can pretty easily do this with this vector field by starting at the origin, travelling right along the x-axis, travelling north, then returning to the y-axis, and from there back to the origin. All of the components of this path will have integral $0$, except for the second, which has a positive integral.

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