[Math] Is this number computable


My question is based on this answer:


Let $T$ be the Turing machine which looks for a proof of a
contradiction in ZFC. If ZFC is consistent, then whether or not $T$
halts will be independent of ZFC. (Indeed, if not, then this would
contradict Gödel's incompleteness theorem!)
(Zhen Lin)

Given now this program that prints a number (print doesn't include a newline):

print "0."
for i = 0 to infinity:
    halted = execute_i_steps_of_the_given_turing_machine_and_return_true_if_it_halted()
    if halted:
        print "1"
        print "0"

I think it should be computable, but I'm not sure if the definition of the number is even valid.

Maybe someone could help me here? Is the number computable?

Thank you

Best Answer

Yes, this number is computable. Your definition of it is an algorithm for computing its digits.

More generally, you should be aware that not knowing what a number's value is has little to do with whether the number is computable. For instance, define a number $n$ as follows. If ZFC is consistent, $n=1$. If ZFC is inconsistent, $n=0$. This number is certainly computable: either the program that just outputs $1$ computes it, or the program that just outputs $0$ computes it. It doesn't matter that we can't determine (in ZFC) which of these programs is the right program to use: either way, there exists a program that works.