Graph Theory – Is This Graph Planar?

graph theoryplanar-graphs

I've been trying to find out if this graph is planar or not for a while and have really been coming up short when it comes to creating a planar drawing of the graph. My intuition is telling me that it's non-planar, but I cannot find any subgraph of the graph homeomorphic to K3, 3 (by Kuratowski's Theorem). Any help would be greatly appreciated. The graph can be seen below:enter image description here

Best Answer

Although the question has already been thoroughly answered, here is an unusual approach to checking if a graph is planar that I'm very fond of which works well here.

First, we notice that there's a cycle passing through all $12$ vertices:

Hamilton cycle

(This method is only guaranteed to settle the question one way or the other if we find such a cycle, though for a cycle that passes through only most of the vertices it can still be very helpful.)

Now redraw the graph so that this cycle is arranged in a circle:

Cycle as circle

If there's a planar embedding of the graph, this circle has to appear in it somewhere, and so the only choices left to make for how to draw the graph are deciding, for each edge not in the cycle, whether it will be drawn as a chord inside the circle or outside the circle.

But the three highlighted edges all intersect each other. No matter which choices you make for them, either two of them will be on the inside (and intersect) or two of them will be on the outside (and intersect). So there is no planar embedding.

(In general, once the Hamiltonian cycle has been found - if it exists - deciding if the remaining edges can be drawn without crossing is straightforward. Begin with an arbitrary choice and then just make sure that if an edge is on the inside, all the edges it crosses are on the outside, and vice versa.)