[Math] Is this a Projection operator on Hilbert space


Let $T$ be a bounded operator on a Hilbert space with the property that $T^*(T-I)= 0$. I'd like to show that $T$ is an orthogonal projection.

I'm not really sure how to show that an operator is an orthogonal projection.
If $A:X\rightarrow U$ is a projection onto a closed subspace of X, then $\langle x- Ax, u_i\rangle = 0 \;\;\forall u_i \in U$ ?

Expanding we get $T'T = T' \Longleftrightarrow TT' = T\ (T'' = T$ in Hilbert spaces?)
$$Tx = T'(Tx) \Longleftrightarrow y = T'y$$
Hence $T'$ has $\lambda = 1$ after $Tx$, do $T'$ and $T$ have the same eigenvalues?
There are a lot of question marks here.

Best Answer

Your equation is $T^*T=T^*$. The key observation here is that $(T^*T)^*=T^*T$. Then $$ T=(T^*)^*=(T^*T)^*=T^*T=T^*. $$ so $T$ is selfadjoint, and moreover now your original equation reads $T^2=T$, so $T$ is an orthogonal projection.