[Math] Is this a LQGI controller – Linear Quadratic Gaussian Integral regulator

control theoryintegrationkalman filteroptimal controlordinary differential equations

I want to make sure that I have done it right.

enter image description here

First of all, I going to show how I think the state space representation whould look like:

The System:
$$\dot{x} = Ax + Bu + I_dd$$
$$ y = Cx + I_n n$$

Where $I_n$ is the identity matrix for the noise and $I_d$ is the identity matrix for the disturbance. For SISO system $I_n = 1$

The LQE:
$$\dot{\hat{x}} = A\hat{x} + Bu + Ke$$
$$\hat{y} = C\hat{x}$$
$$e = y – \hat{y} = Cx + I_n n – C\hat{x}$$

The LQR:
$$ u = -L\hat{x} + L_i x_i$$

The LQI:
$$ \boxed{\dot{x_i} = I_r r – y = I_r r – Cx – I_n n}$$
$$ x_i = \int_{0}^{t} (I_r r- y)dt = \int_{0}^{t} (I_r r – Cx – I_n n)dt = \int_{0}^{t} = \dot{x_i} dt$$

Where $I_r$ is the identity matrix for the reference signal. For SISO system $I_r = 1$

Assume that:
$$\tilde{x} = x – \hat{x} \rightarrow \tilde{x} – x = – \hat{x} $$

Inserting that in LQR results the new $u$:
$$u = -L\hat{x} + L_i x_i \rightarrow L\tilde{x} – Lx + L_i x_i$$

Inserting the new $u$ in System results:
$$\dot{x} = Ax + B(L\tilde{x} – Lx + L_i x_i) + I_dd$$
$$\dot{x} = Ax + B L\tilde{x} – BLx + B L_i x_i + I_dd$$
$$\boxed{\dot{x} = (A- BL)x + B L\tilde{x} + B L_i x_i + I_dd}$$

Inserting new $u$ and $e$ in LQE results:
$$\dot{\hat{x}} = A\hat{x} + B(L\tilde{x} – Lx + L_i x_i) + K(Cx + I_n n – C\hat{x})$$
$$\dot{\hat{x}} = A\hat{x} + B L\tilde{x} – B Lx + B L_i x_i + K Cx + KI_n n – K C\hat{x}$$
Assume that:
$$\dot{\tilde{x}} = \dot{x} – \dot{\hat{x}}$$

That means:
$$\dot{\tilde{x}} = [Ax + B L\tilde{x} – BLx + B L_i x_i + I_dd] – [A\hat{x} + B L\tilde{x} – B Lx + B L_i x_i + K Cx + KI_n n – K C\hat{x}]$$
$$\dot{\tilde{x}} = Ax + B L\tilde{x} – BLx + B L_i x_i + I_dd – A\hat{x} – B L\tilde{x} + B Lx – B L_i x_i – K Cx – KI_n n + K C\hat{x}$$
$$\dot{\tilde{x}} = Ax + I_dd – A\hat{x} – K Cx – KI_n n + K C\hat{x}$$

But remember that:
$$\tilde{x} = x – \hat{x}$$

Will give us:
$$\dot{\tilde{x}} = Ax + I_dd – A\hat{x} – K Cx – KI_n n + K C\hat{x}$$
$$\dot{\tilde{x}} = A(x – \hat{x}) + I_dd – KC(x -\hat{x}) – KI_n n$$
$$\dot{\tilde{x}} = A\tilde{x} + I_dd – KC\tilde{x} – KI_n n$$
$$\boxed{\dot{\tilde{x}} = (A – KC)\tilde{x} + I_dd – KI_n n}$$

The whole state space representation will be:

\end{bmatrix} = \begin{bmatrix}
A-BL & BL & BL_i \\
0 & A-KC & 0\\
-C & 0 & 0
\end{bmatrix} \begin{bmatrix}
0 & I_d & 0\\
0 & I_d & -K I_n\\
I_r & 0 & -I_n

$$y = \begin{bmatrix}
C & 0 & 0
\end{bmatrix} +\begin{bmatrix}
0 & 0 & I_n


  1. Am I wrong or Am I right? Is this the Linear Quadratic Gaussian Integral regulator?
  2. Is there any way to compute the integral gain matrix $L_i$ by using Algebratic Riccati Equation (ARE)?
  3. Will this regulator remove the steady state error?
  4. What is the transfer function for this state space?


Best Answer

Due to certainty equivalence you can split the observer and feedback control up into two separate problems. So the full state observer can indeed be found using a Kalman filter/LQE. For the control LQI can be used, which tries to minimize

$$ J(u) = \int_0^\infty \left[z^\top(t)\,Q\,z(t) + u^\top(t)\,R\,u(t) + 2\,z^\top(t)\,S\,u(t)\right] dt, \tag{1} $$

with $z(t) = \begin{bmatrix}x^\top(t) & x_i^\top(t)\end{bmatrix}^\top$ and $x_i(t)=\int (r-y)dt$. So using the standard state space model (without the feed through matrix $D$) and augmenting the state space yields

$$ \begin{bmatrix} \dot{x} \\ \dot{x}_i \end{bmatrix} = \begin{bmatrix} A & 0 \\ -C & 0 \end{bmatrix} \begin{bmatrix} x \\ x_i \end{bmatrix} + \begin{bmatrix} B \\ 0 \end{bmatrix} u. \tag{2} $$

The combined optimization problem using $(1)$ and $(2)$ can just be solved with LQR. However I am not entirely sure myself why your are allows to disregard the reference input from $(2)$.