[Math] Is There a $R^2 \rightarrow R^2$ Linear Transformation to Make XOR Problem Separable

machine learningstatistics

By Cover's Theorem(1965), it is possible to make patterns separable if the original feature space is transformed to a higher-dimensional space.

Think of the XOR problem.

enter image description here

It is not possible to separate the two classes with a hyperplane. One trick is to use Neural Networks, which transformed the feature space linearly to a higher dimensional space. Another is the kernel trick with non-linear transformation.

But can we make the classes separable only using a low-dimensional linear transformation, i.e. $R^2 \rightarrow R^2$ Linear Transformation? I think I cannot find one. Is there any way to prove that such a transformation does not exist?

Best Answer

Two sets of vectors $x_i$ and $y_i$ are linearly separable if there is some vector $w$ and a constant $k$ such that $w\cdot x_i \ge k$ and $w\cdot y_i < k$. You are asking if there is some linear (or affine, doesn't matter) transformation that could make two sets that are not linearly separable linearly separable.

Suppose $M$ is such a transformation. Note that $w\cdot (M x_i)=(M^T w)\cdot x_i$, where $M^T$ is the adjoint/transpose of $M$. Then clearly if $M$ allows you to separate $Mx_i$ and $My_i$ with vector $w$, the original sets were separable using $M^T w$. No linear transformation of that sort will work. Alternatively, hyperplanes will still be hyperplanes under linear transformations (of full rank).

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