[Math] Is the torus the union of two connected, simply-connected open sets


Is the torus the union of two connected, simply-connected open sets? A routine computation with the Mayer-Vietoris sequence shows that if so, then their intersection must have exactly three components.

Also, exactly one of the components must have $H_1=\mathbb{Z}$; the other two must be homologically trivial. (That's assuming that $H_2(X)=0$ for any proper open subset $X$ of the torus, which seems obvious.)

Best Answer

Edit: The answer is still negative. What you have to use is the Lusternik-Shnirelmann category $cat(X)$:

Definition. $cat(X)$ for a topological space $X$ is the least number of contractible open sets needed to cover $X$.

It is known that $cat(T^n)=n+1$, see here. Thus, you cannot cover 2-torus with two simply-connected open sets (since such sets are contractible).

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