[Math] Is the the number of generators of a group the number of different generators that one finds if one counts over every generating set of the group


Consider the additive group of integers as an example as mentioned at the bottom of the Wikipedia article. There are two generating sets that are mentioned; The set consisting of the number 1, {1}, and the two-element set, {3,5}. So when we talk about the number of generators of a group do we mean the number of different elements within every generating set, all added together. So above we've counted 3 generators so far, 1,3, and 5 – although there is clearly more than this in total since we haven't mentioned all the generating sets of the group.

As another example, in SU(N) we have $N^{2}-1$ generators. Would this be the total number of generating matrices that we'd get if we counted every single generating set?

On a similar note, would we only count a generator once if it appeared in more than one generating set? So for example if some group had generating sets {1,5}, {5,9}, {3,4,12}, would we say this group had 6 generators, rather than 7?

Best Answer

A group $G$ typically have many different generating sets, that is subsets $S\subseteq G$ with $\langle S\rangle = G$, and among these are sets of different cardinality (for example, trivially $S=G$ is a generating set). Therefore it makes little sense to speak of the number of generators of a group (or even of the set of generators).

We do speak of the free group $F_S$ generated by the set $S$ and for such a free group, the set $S$ is a canonical choice of generators. Nevertheless, the free group over $S=\{a,b\}$ is also generated by $\{a,b,1,a^{-2},bab\}$. In general, when we speak of a group generated by $n$ elements, we mean a group $G$ that allows an epimorphism $f\colon F_S\to G$ where $|S|=n$, typically given by a presentation $G=\langle a_1,\ldots,a_n\mid\ldots\rangle$. Depending on the author, it may additionally be understood that $f|_S$ is injective, that is that the generators of $G$ obtained this may are actually an $n$-element set. But I guess it is often not the case that this distinction is made.

In summary, "a group generated by $n$ elements" should usually be more precisely called "a group that has at least one generating set of at most $n$ elements". For example, a cyclic group is a group generated by a single element. We do however also count the trivial group as cyclic, even though it can in fact be generated by zero elements.

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