[Math] Is the set of real numbers a group under the operation of multiplication


Question: Is the set of real numbers a group under the operation of multiplication?

My professor answered it by saying: No. There is no identity element (1*0=0).

However, isn't the identity element 1, did he mean to say there is no inverse because the number 0 does not have an inverse. Or did my professor try to mean something else? Or maybe I'm just mis-understanding what he wrote.

Best Answer

The collection of positive real numbers (and even real numbers without zero) is a group. However, once you append zero, the resulting set is no longer a group for exactly the reason your are suggesting.

One interesting thing about the positive real numbers, $(\mathbb{R}_+,\cdot)$, is that they are isomorphic to the reals with addition, $(\mathbb{R},+)$. This can be seen through the logarithm, $$\log(a\cdot b) = \log(a) + \log(b).$$ Note also that $\log(1)=0$, that is the logarithm identifies the identity elements between the two different groups.