[Math] Is the set of positive real numbers a ring under these operations


Let $L$ be the set of positive real numbers. Two operations are defined:
$$ a \oplus b = ab$$
$$a \times b = a^{\log b}.$$

Is L a ring?

1) a $\oplus$ b = ab, ab $\in$ L.
2) a x b = $ a^{\log b}, a^{\log b} \in L$.
3) addition is commutative
4)1 is the additive identity element
5) associative multiplication
6)Distributive laws
7) Associative multiplication.

8) Is 1 the additive inverse?

Best Answer

You might apply the fact that if $\phi$ is a ring homomorphism (so respecting the addition and multiplication) from a ring $R$ to a set, then its image $\phi(R)$ is again a ring.
Now let $\phi$ be the map from the normal ring of reals $\mathbb{R}$ to $\mathbb{R}_{>0}$ with your addition $\oplus$ and multiplication $\otimes$, defined by $\phi(a)=e^{a}$, where $e$ is the base of the natural logarithm. Obviously this is a well-defined bijection. One can easily check that $\phi$ is a ring homomorphism. Observe that 0 is mapped to 1 (the neutral element w.r.t. $\oplus$), and the unit 1 is mapped to $e$ (the neutral element w.r.t. $\otimes$). Hence, the two rings are even isomorphic!

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