Metric Spaces – Is the Set of Integers Cauchy Complete?

cauchy-sequencesmetric-spaces says that a metric space M is called complete (or a Cauchy space) if every Cauchy sequence of points in M has a limit that is also in M or, alternatively, if every Cauchy sequence in M converges in M.

There is no Cauchy sequence in the set of integers $Z$, or any discrete set for that matter. Hence, is it Cauchy complete, as all the Cauchy sequences it has (a null set) have a limit inside $Z$?

Best Answer

$\Bbb Z$ is indeed Cauchy complete, but not for the reason you state.

Unravelling the definition for a Cauchy sequence, we get that:

$$\forall \epsilon > 0: \exists N: \forall m,n > N: d(a_n, a_m) < \epsilon$$

and for $\epsilon = \frac 12$ we note that this must mean $d(a_n,a_m) = 0$ (since otherwise it exceeds $1$) i.e. $a_n = a_m$ for some $N$ and all $m,n \ge N$. That is, $a_n$ is eventually constant.

Now there is an obvious guess for the limit of eventually constant sequences, and we conclude that $\Bbb Z$ with the Euclidean metric is complete.