[Math] Is the rank of an $n\times n$ Hermitian matrix $k-1$ if all of its principal minors of degree $k$ are zero

linear algebra

Is the rank of an $n\times n$ Hermitian matrix $\boldsymbol{H}$ equal to $k-1$ ($k<n$) if

  1. all its $k\times k$ principal minors are zero, and
  2. it has a nonzero $(k-1)\times(k-1)$ principal minor?

I am looking for a proof or counter example. Does anyone know of such a proof?

I am really struggling with the above statement. I know that if a Hermitian matrix has rank $k$ then there must at least be one principal minor of $\boldsymbol{H}$ of dimension $k$ that is not zero. See :
K.D. Ikramov, "On the ranks of principal submatrices of diagonalizable matrices", Journal of Mathematical Sciences, Vol. 157, No. 5, 2009, 595–596.

But how do you prove the above statement from this knowledge (or maybe it is not possible)?

Best Answer

This is a well known result and can be found, for example, here.

You argument is not quite correct, but can be saved if you use some elementary row transformations (which doesn't affect the rank) in order to make the other $n-k$ rows equal to zero. Then note that the corresponding column transformations also make the corresponding columns equal to zero. Now use your argument.