[Math] Is the polynomial ring over a PID also a PID


As stated in the title, given a principal ideal domain $R$, is the polynomial ring $R[x]$ necessarily a principal ideal domain? In particular, is the polynomial ring $(\mathbb{Z}[i])[x]$ over the Gaussian integers a principal ideal domain?

I have tried the usual method of showing this (choose an ideal $I$ of $R[x]$ and some $p(x) \in R[x]$ with the lowest degree and show that $p(x)q(x) \in I$ implies that $q(x)$ is a multiple of $p(x)$). However, I can't seem to get anywhere with this. Any help would be appreciated.

Best Answer

In $\mathbb{Z}[x]$, the ideal generated by $2$ and $x$ is not principal. You can produce a similar example over the Gaussian integers.