[Math] Is the negation of “p iff q”, “(not p) iff q”


My logic teacher says that the negation of $p \!\!\iff\!\! q$ is $(\lnot p) \!\!\iff\!\! q$. This seems wrong to me, because I feel like $(\lnot p) \!\iff\! q$ is a too strong statement to be the logical consequence of $\lnot (p \!\iff\! q)$.

To illustrate to me that $(\lnot p) \!\iff\! q$ is the negation of $p \!\iff\! q$, my professor showed me a truth table that showed that $(\lnot p) \!\iff\! q$ is true iff $p \!\iff\! q$ is false.

Is my professor right? Can someone explain to me.

An example to illustrate why this statement concerns me:

Let $p$ be "It is Thursday"

Let $q$ be "It is raining"

$p \!\iff\! q$ is not true because there exists days where it is Thursday and it is not raining, yet $(\lnot p) \!\iff\! q$ is also not true because there are days when its Thursday and it does rain.

Best Answer

p iff q is not true because there exists days where it is Thursday and it is not raining, yet (not p) iff q is also not true because there are days when its Thursday and it does rain.

You are missing a quantifier. You are comparing a statement of the form "Everyday X holds" to "Everyday not X holds". There is no reason those should be opposites. It is possible for those both to be false, just allow for some days X and some days not X.

The proper comparison would be

"Every day it is Thursday iff it is raining" is false


"Some days it is not thursday iff it is raining" is ????

Work out what goes into ???? and I think you'll have it.