[Math] Is the inverse of a Unimodular Matrix unimodular


Is the inverse of a Unimodular Matrix unimodular?

I saw this question: Is the inverse of an invertible totally unimodular matrix also totally unimodular?

And what is the case if the matrix is not square?

Best Answer

From http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Unimodular_matrix : one definition of a unimodular matrix is an invertible matrix of integers whose inverse is also a matrix of integers. So it is required to be square, in order to be invertible.

So, if $M$ is unimodular, then $M^{-1}$ is a matrix of integers$\ldots$ , and its inverse (which is $M$) is also a matrix of integers, so $M^{-1}$ is also unimodular.

(In fact the unimodular matrices form a subgroup of $GL_n(\mathbb{R})$.)

If you're more interested in non-square matrices, then you probably want to consider total unimodularity, as in the link you provided.

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