[Math] Is the intersection of finite codimensional subspaces of finite codimension in an infinite dim vector space

linear algebra

is the intersection of finite codimensional subspaces of finite codimension in an infinite dim vector space?

Let $X$ be an infinite dimensional vector space, with subspaces $V,W$ such that $\dim X/V,\dim X/W<\infty$. I want to know if $\dim X/(V\cap W)<\infty$. I want to say it is true, but am having trouble proving this.

Best Answer

Sure, $(V+W)/W\cong V/(V\cap W)$, that’s one of the Isomorphism Theorems. Since the left-hand side is finite-dimensional, so is the right. Then you have the inclusions $V\cap W\subset V\subset X$. Both the quotients here are finite-dimensional, so the all-the-way quotient $X/(V\cap W)$ is finite-dimensional.

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