[Math] Is the intermediate value theorem saying that if $f$ is continuous on some interval, then it is a surjective function


Is the Intermediate Value Theorem basically saying that if a function is continuous on an interval, then the function is surjective?

The formal definition states something to the effect of "any value in the domain will map to a value in the range", unless I misunderstand it. So, since we're mapping from $[a,b] \to [f(a), f(b)]$, the range is made up of the images of the values in the domain, that is, the range is the codomain.

My understanding of a surjective function is one in which $\forall x\in D, f(x)\in C$, where $f:D\to C$.

Or an I horribly mistaken? Ha ha

Best Answer

No. It means its image is an interval, but that's all: for instance, look at the constant function $f\colon [0,1] \to \mathbb{R}$ defined by $f(x) =1 $ for all $x\in[0,1]$.

It is continuous, and the IVT applies. But it is definitely not surjective... its image is the (trivial) interval $\{1\}$. Surjectivity would ask that $\forall y \in C=\mathbb{R}$, there exists $x\in D=[0,1]$ such that $f(x)=y$.

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