[Math] Is the Fundamental Group of space with contractible universal cover torsion-free


Some classmates and I were working on the following question – is the fundamental group of the Klein Bottle $K$ torsion-free? We have the following presentation:
$$\pi_1(K) = \langle a,b: aba = b \rangle.$$

In trying to answer this problem, we came up with the following question that could resolve this problem, and seemed like an interesting claim in general:

Is the Fundamental Group of a space with contractible universal cover torsion-free?

We thought about it a bit and unfortunately did not find a counterexample or a proof. Is this true? If it's not, what is a good way to answer our original question about the Klein Bottle?

Best Answer

This is false in general; in fact every group $G$ is the fundamental group of a unique (up to weak homotopy) space with contractible universal cover, namely the classifying space $BG$, or equivalently the Eilenberg-MacLane space $K(G, 1)$. In particular, the Klein bottle is such a classifying space, as is the torus.

What's true is the following.

Theorem: If $BG$ is a finite-dimensional CW complex, then $G$ is torsion-free.

Proof. With the above hypotheses, the universal cover of $BG$ is also a finite-dimensional CW complex on which $G$ acts freely, hence for any subgroup $H$ of $G$, the quotient $BH$ of the universal cover by the induced action of $H$ is also a finite-dimensional CW complex, and in particular has finite cohomological dimension. But finite cyclic groups have infinite cohomological dimension, by the standard computation of their group cohomology. $\Box$