[Math] Is the empty set a neighborhood of itself


My topology textbook (Lee, Introduction to Manifolds) says

a $\textbf{neighborhood}$ of $p$ is just an open
subset of $X$ containing $p$. More generally, if $K\subseteq X$, a neighborhood of the subset $K$ is an open subset containing $K$. (In some books, the word “neighborhood” is used in the more general sense of a subset containing an open subset containing $p$ or $K$; but for us neighborhoods are always open subsets.)

The empty set is an open subset of every topology, by definition. The empty set also "contains" itself, in the sense that $\emptyset\subseteq\emptyset$. Since it meets these two conditions, is it not a neighborhood of itself?

The answer to this related question states

The empty set ∅ is not a neighborhood of any point $x∈X$, because as you correctly observed, there are no elements of ∅.

However, nowhere in this definition are sets with no elements explicitly excluded from consideration for being neighborhoods.

Best Answer

Sure, and it matches with the idea that $\varnothing$ is a neighborhood of each of its elements (although there are no points it is a neighborhood of), because there aren't any elements not to be a neighborhood of. Every set is a neighborhood of the empty set in the sense defined there.