Set Theory – Is the Class of Cardinals Totally Ordered?


In a Wikipedia article

I encountered the following sentence:

"If the axiom of choice (AC) is used, it can be proved that the class of cardinal numbers is totally ordered."

But isnt't the class of ordinals totally ordered (in fact, well-ordered) without axiom of choice? Being a subclass of the class of ordinals, isn't the class of cardinals obviously totally ordered?

Best Answer

If I understand the problem correctly, it depends on your definition of cardinal. If you define the cardinals as initial ordinals, then your argument works fine, but without choice you cannot show that every set is equinumerous to some cardinal. (Since AC is equivalent to every set being well-orderable.)

On the other hand, if you have some definition which implies that each set is equinumerous to some cardinal number, then without choice you cannot show that any two sets (any two cardinals) are comparable. (AC is equivalent to: For two sets $A$, $B$ there exists either an injective map $A\to B$ or an injective map $B\to A$. It is listed as one of equivalent forms if AC at wiki.)

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