Algebra Precalculus – Is sqrt(64) Considered 8 or 8,-8?


Last year in Pre-Algebra we learned about square roots. I was taught then that
$\sqrt{64}=8$ and $\sqrt{100}=10$, which I understood and accepted. I was also taught that $\pm\sqrt{64} = 8,-8$ because both of those numbers squared is 64, which I also get.
But this year, with a new school and teacher in a different state, our teacher is telling us that:
$\sqrt{64}=8,-8$ and $\pm\sqrt{64}$ also is $8,-8$. The way to get the positive root of something is:

And these seem to contradict each other. I was always taught that a regular square root returned a positive number and only a positive number, but now my teacher is saying a regular square root gives two numbers, and considering the square root of a number $n$ is defined as
$y^2=n$ I see where he is coming from.

Upon researching this Wikipedia says:

For example, $4$ and $βˆ’4$ are square roots of $16$ because $4^{2} = (βˆ’4)^{2} = 16$

And Wolfram MathWorld says:

Note that any positive real number has two square roots, one positive and one negative. For example, the square roots of $9$ are $-3$ and $+3$

But on the other side, Wolfram Alpha, when given "The square root of 9" gives only 3.

So, which is right? Is $\sqrt{64}$ considered $8$? or is it $8,-8$?

Best Answer

Your new teacher is wrong. $\sqrt{\cdot}$ is the principal square root operator. That means it returns only the principal root -- the positive one. $\sqrt{64}=8$. It does NOT equal $-8$.

On the other hand, the equation $64=x^2$ DOES have $2$ solutions: $x=8$ or $x=-8$. Thus both $8$ and $-8$ are square roots of $64$.

Let's see what happens when we take the principal square root of both sides of this equation: $$\begin{align}64 &= x^2 \\ \implies \sqrt{64} &= \sqrt{x^2} \\ \implies 8 &= |x| \\ \implies x&=8 \text{ or } x=-8\end{align}$$

Thus the fact that the principal square root operation throws out the negative root isn't much of a problem as the math still works out correctly.

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