[Math] Is Pythagoras’ theorem about distances or areas


In $\mathbb{R}^2$ with the 1-norm or $\infty$-norm, Pythagoras' theorem is false for lengths of sides of a "right-angled'' triangle, but it is true for areas of shapes on the sides. For example, given a triangle with coordinates $(0,0)$, $(4,0)$, $(0,3)$, the sides have length 3,4,7, or 3,4,4 (depending on the norm); but the areas of squares on the sides are still 9,16,25 because Lebesgue measure is independent of the norm.

Is there a relation between measures and norms that are "compatible'' to them? In this case, Lebesgue measure seems to fit more naturally with Euclidean distance because the area of a rectangle, for example, is proportional to the product of the lengths of its sides, but I don't know if there is a simple formula in terms of the 1-lengths of its sides. If there is a theory on this it doesn't get mentioned in textbooks.

Best Answer

You're right that the Pythagorean theorem is naturally a statement about areas. Euclid's proof involves geometric dissection, and there's the slick proof by dropping a perpendicular from the right angle to the hypotenuse, which divides the original triangle into two smaller similar triangles, whose areas obviously sum to the area of the original triangle, and whose respective hypotenuses are the legs of the original triangle.

There does not exist a formula for the area of a rectangle in terms of the lengths of its sides in the $1$-norm, say, because the lengths of the sides do not uniquely determine the area (i.e., the product of the $2$-norms of the sides).

For example, if $a$ and $b$ are positive, the square with corners $$ (a, 0),\quad (a + b, a),\quad (b, a + b),\quad (0, b) $$ has sides of ($1$-norm) length $s = a + b$. Its area, $$ A = a^{2} + b^{2} = (a + b)^{2} - 2ab = s^{2} - 2ab, $$ is not uniquely specified by $s$.

(I suppose one could rotate a rectangle to be axis-oriented before using the side lengths to compute area, but Euclidean rotation doesn't preserve non-Euclidean norms, so the process seems artificial.)