[Math] Is path-connected and locally path-connected equivalent to simply connected


Is path-connected and locally path-connected equivalent to simply connected?

I am more confident with the part that simply connected implies path-connected and locally path-connected. And the other way should stand as well. But I am not quite sure how to prove it?

Best Answer

A simply connected set of course (by definition) is path-connected, but on the other side a path-connected and locally path-connected set need not to be simply connected. The easiest example is an open disk $B \subset \mathbb{R}$ around $0$, with an additional point $0'$, and adding to the topology base a base around $0$, with $0$ substituded with $0'$. Figuratively, $0$ is "doubled".

Any continuous homotopy to this space, starting with a path through $0$, cannot contain $0'$, because of contonuity (the preimage of the paths passing through $0'$ and of the paths passing through $0$ would disconnect $[0,1]$, which is bviously connected) so paths through $0$ and through $0'$ are not homotopically equivalent.