Is Nabla a Vector? – Mathematical Physics Explanation

mathematical physics

The following passage has been extracted from the book "Mathematical methods for Physicists":

A key idea of the present chapter is that a quantity that is properly called a vector must have the transformation properties that preserve its essential features under coordinate transformation; there exist quantities with direction and magnitude that do not transform appropriately and hence are not vectors.

Cross product: $\nabla \times (Vector)=Vector$

From the above equation of cross product we can say that $\nabla$ is a vector (specifically vector operator). However, a vector generally has magnitude and an associated direction. While in case of $\nabla$, it might satisfy essential features under transformation to be a vector, but I don't see whether it has magnitude or not? Does it has magnitude? If so, what is it? Or otherwise is it that a vector need not have magnitude?

Best Answer

Let $f=f(x,y,z)$ be a scalar function and $\mathbf F=\langle F_1(x,y,z),F_2(x,y,z),F_3(x,y,z)\rangle$ be a vector field in $\mathbb{R}^3$. Then we can think of $f$ or $\mathbf F$ (as appropriate) as the inputs to the operators grad, div, curl, and even laplacian with the resulting outputs indicated:

\begin{align} f\longrightarrow &\ \color{blue}{{\LARGE\boxed{\nabla}}} \longrightarrow \langle f_x,f_y,f_z\rangle\\ \mathbf F\longrightarrow &\ \color{blue}{{\LARGE\boxed{\nabla\cdot}}} \longrightarrow {\partial F_1\over \partial x}+{\partial F_2\over \partial y}+{\partial F_3\over \partial z}\\ \mathbf F\longrightarrow &\ \color{blue}{{\LARGE\boxed{\nabla\times}}} \longrightarrow \left\langle {\partial F_3\over \partial y}-{\partial F_2\over \partial z},{\partial F_1\over \partial z}-{\partial F_3\over \partial x},{\partial F_2\over \partial x}-{\partial F_1\over \partial y}\right\rangle\\ f\longrightarrow &\ \color{blue}{{\LARGE\boxed{\nabla\cdot\nabla}}} \longrightarrow f_{xx}+f_{yy}+f_{zz}.\\ \end{align}

Thus $\nabla$ is not a vector, but rather indicates an operator whose action on the input $f$ results in the output $\langle f_x,f_y,f_z\rangle$. Similarly for the others.

If you find the del notation counterproductive, just abandon that notation/nomenclature for this:

\begin{align} f\longrightarrow &\ \color{blue}{{\LARGE\boxed{\text{grad}}}} \longrightarrow \langle f_x,f_y,f_z\rangle\\ \mathbf F\longrightarrow &\ \color{blue}{{\LARGE\boxed{\text{div}}}} \longrightarrow {\partial F_1\over \partial x}+{\partial F_2\over \partial y}+{\partial F_3\over \partial z}\\ \mathbf F\longrightarrow &\ \color{blue}{{\LARGE\boxed{\text{curl}}}} \longrightarrow \left\langle {\partial F_3\over \partial y}-{\partial F_2\over \partial z},{\partial F_1\over \partial z}-{\partial F_3\over \partial x},{\partial F_2\over \partial x}-{\partial F_1\over \partial y}\right\rangle\\ f\longrightarrow &\ \color{blue}{{\LARGE\boxed{\text{lap}}}} \longrightarrow f_{xx}+f_{yy}+f_{zz}.\\ \end{align}